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Homeschool Programs!

Ages: 2-4





Homestead Spouts

Friday | 10-12




Ages: 5-11





Homestead Kids 

Friday | 10-12



Homestead Youth

Friday |10-2

Ages: 12+





Pete and the Pirates

2024-2025 School Theme

The Treasure in Me

Discover the power of hope and the freedom of forgiveness.

​Our school has an annual Championeers! theme that promotes neural development in a dynamic, camp-style format with leadership and STEM challenges! Moms learn how to use these powerful tools while kids are in camp.



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Option 2
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Homestead Sprouts

Friday | 10-12


  • Ages: 2-4


Homestead sprouts provides Kids Play for the little guys while mom and older siblings are in classes. 



Homestead Kids

Friday | 10-12


  • Ages: 5-10 (Jr. Counselors 10+)

  • Championeers! Pete & the Pirates. Brain Armor: Performing Arts/STEM

  • Moms School 

  • Core Block




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Option 3
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Homestead Youth

Friday | 10-2


  • Ages: 12+

  • Brain Armor & Children's Ministry 

  • Ministry Teams


Homestead Youth is a leadership-ministry program where youth train, plan, and host events for children and families, serve as camp counselors in Championeers, and enjoy electives in homesteading & ministry leadership. 

* Monthly Training Camps & Ministry Events



Option 4
Option 5

Friday Farmdays

Traditional Homestead Fun!

Join us for the Homeschool Homestead Series. Each month we'll choose a special homestead workshop in traditional skills or the arts!


Don't miss out. Join the mailing list for upcoming classes, schedules, workshops, and events.


Fridays 12:30-2:00

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Moms in Ministry

& Moms School

Moms School equips moms with Biblical foundations and powerful tools to build strong, resilient lives, homes, and communities. Enjoy Moms Group while children are in Championeers. 


  • Homeschool with confidence

  • Remove isolation and self-doubt

  • Tools for family-life development 

  • Newbie support & curriculum guidence 

  • Build true friendships and community​




FEARLESS Ministries
& Young Entrepreneurs

High School & College 

Imagine a high school and college alternative that is ministry based to gain competency in marketplace ministries and skills while building your life.

In this innovative approach to HS and college, students earn certificates of competency to host or launch their own market-place ministry. Students participation in hands-on business with classes, ministry teams, valley-wide and national outreach as a project-based internship in the 7 Mts of culture.


Ages: 16+ (Some exceptions)



Call an advisor: 208-741-1947


Join the Journey!

Join The Homestead community where families unite to raise world changers!

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